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Timor Runguranga


Arthropology Lab / Timor Aid






Visual Anthropology

Type of Work


Book Design


Exhibition Design




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Exhibitions & Festivals









Eight years in the making, Timor Runguranga is the first contemporary photography book coming out from the youngest nation in Asia. An epic photobook, taking you on an unforgettable journey through the wild, wild east of Timor-Leste. A country of unparalleled beauty, yet unrivalled contradictions, where old traditions collide with new modern worlds, and the sacred meets the profane. Timor Runguranga is part of the TATE's Martin Parr photobook collection.  

David Palazón’s curious nature and unique sense of humour bring us close into the hearts and lives of the Timorese people, capturing the fleeting, incidental moments of those he met on his journey through this young nation. An uncut diamond at the edge of the world, the country’s surreal and sublime nature is explored through a striking collection of visual memories. An unconventional gem of a photobook, and a must-have for anyone interested in documentary studies, contemporary photography, visual anthropology and … Timor-Leste. Miss it at your peril!

The photobook features 60 carefully selected contributions by Timor-related leading authors, artists, and photographers, giving further depth to the outstanding visual exploration of this young nation. The contributors are: Abe Barreto, Agio Pereira, Ahimsa-ka Satya, Alberto Fidalgo, Alessandro Boarccaech, Alfeo Pereira, Andrew Henderson, Bernardino Soares, Daniel Simião Schroeter, Danilo Afonso-Enriques, Elena Tognoli, Enrique Alonso, Ester Piera Ester Züecher, Gibrael Dias Carocho, Grinaldo Fernandes, Hector Hill, Iñigo Ballester, Isabel Boavida, Jake VDVF, Jean-Christophe Galipaud, Jen Shyu, Joanna Barrkman, John Martires, Josh Trindade, Karen Reidy, Kelly Silva, Kim Dunphy, Kirsty Sword Gusmão, Larissa Almeida, Leilana Quinger, Licinio Martins Lopes, Lucas Serrao Lopes†, Luke Monsour, Madalena Barreto, Manuel Casal Aguiar, Mara Bernardes de Sá, Marcelina Osolio, Margarida Bandeira de Lima, Maria Ceu Lopes Federer, Maria Madeira, Mariano Gonçalves, Masanori Nagaoka, Megumi Yamada, Mireia Clemente, Naldo Rei, Nelson Turquel, Nuno da Silva, Patrick Walsh, Philip Yampolsky, Rebecca Kinaston, Rick Shearman, Risza Lopes da Cruz, Rogerio Lopes, Rosalia Madeira Soares, Simão Barreto, Sofia Miranda, Sula Sendagire, Tony Fry and Victor de Sousa.


The photobook is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Alibris. A selection of prints are available from Saatchi Art. Follow us in Facebook.

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© 2000–2025, David Palazón.

All rights reserved.

© 2000–2025, David Palazón.

All rights reserved.

© 2000–2025, David Palazón.

All rights reserved.

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